A concept for a brand extension highlighting clean label eating and organic, natural ingredients. The Naturals line not only allows Betty Crocker to retain its existing customer base but also attracts younger, health-conscious consumers who are today's “modern homemakers.”

Plastic-free materials such as lined craft tubes, frosted glass, and aluminum carefully chosen with sustainability as a top priority

Higher recycling rate than plastic Provides optimal protection properties.

Zero Chemical Interactions, Infinitely Recyclable.

Can be lined for packaging food, Good Sealing performance, easily Recyclable, with virtually zero environmental impact
Betty Crocker offers well-known, quality products and a reputable experience that many people trust. This new line appeals to today's health-conscious homemakers and allows the brand to continue to live its mission of helping people cook.

Graphic details such as custom illustrations and motifs inspired by vintage Betty Crocker allow the system to stand out amongst the “sea of sameness” that is the traditional supermarket baking aisle.

Embedded NFC technology allows the packaging to be compatible with intelligent home systems, providing features such as directions via digital smart surfaces and add-in recommendations based on existing home inventory.